Training Colour training Insights Discovery

Each person in every organisation is unique. They bring different styles, needs, motivations and expectations. In these differences are great strengths. The Insights Discovery journey is one of understanding these differences.
Understanding more about self, about others, and how to combine those strengths and build upon them to ensure you achieve your goals. Insights Discovery is the 2.0 version of DISC training.

In this training you’ll learn all the basics of the Insights Discovery model. Your personal profile is included!

Xzellent is fully accredited by Insights Benelux and has a lot experience in coaching and training with the Insights Discovery profile in the Netherlands. In this training we will present and discuss the Insights Discovery model in a practical way related to workplace situations.

In his pioneering work ‘Psychological Types’ Dr. Carl G. Jung suggested that people have different preferences which give them a different perspective on situations. These different perspectives and attitudes are now seen as highly relevant to understanding organisational and cultural requirements and the needs of people. The understanding of individual differences that Insights Discovery provides is fundamental to improving communication, cooperation and building effective and high morale teams.

Voor de open inschrijving ga je hier naar de Nederlandstalige Insights Discovery training.

Prijs: Depending on the number of days / hours

Trainingsduur Colour training Insights DiscoveryTrainingsduur

In consultation. Inquire about the online options
also as a short powerful workshop

Tijden Colour training Insights DiscoveryTijden
In consultation
Deelnemers Colour training Insights DiscoveryAantal deelnemers
Small groups. Learning through the Insights Discovery Learning System
Competenties Colour training Insights DiscoveryCompetenties
Colour training Insights Discovery